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Japanese Knotweed Expert Frequently Asked Questions

Our Japanese knotweed expert addresses your frequently asked questions. Learn more about invasive plant and Japanese knotweed solutions near you.

It is illegal to plant invasive plant species in the wild in the UK. It is also illegal to allow invasive plants to spread into wild areas. This includes moving invasive plant cuttings and contaminated soil deposits.

If you find invasive or non-native plants on your property, it's your responsibility to prevent them from spreading. These plants can cause damage and serious harm to the land or property they grow on. Failing to prevent them from spreading and causing damage can lead to prosecution.

Invasive Weed Control Services

Several invasive plant species grow here in the UK. However, the most common ones you're likely to come across are:

Japanese Knotweed

Giant Hogweed

Himalayan Balsam

New Zealand Pygmyweed

Green Alkanet

Three-cornered Garlic

Rhododendron Ponticum

Property owners in the UK should look out for these species growing on their land. These plants can cause significant damage to buildings and local environments. They also spread very quickly. Therefore, once you notice any of these species growing on your land, you need to either control their growth or remove them entirely.

The plants listed above are the main invasive species you need to worry about. Actively growing them in the UK is illegal. However, there are many non-native species that grow here that are also considered invasive and dangerous. The Weeds Act 1959, lists all of the non-native species you aren't allowed to grow.

While it's illegal to actively grow these plants, it isn't illegal to have them incidentally on your land. You are responsible for controlling their growth, however. Additionally, it is also illegal to grow plants listed under Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

Japanese knotweed is one of the worst invasive plant species in the UK. It is illegal to grow it on your land, as it poses a serious threat to any nearby buildings. If you fail to control or remove the Japanese knotweed, you could face prosecution. This can land you with an expensive fine or even a custodial sentence.

Japanese Knotweed Company Near Me

If you allow Japanese knotweed growing on your side of a property boundary to spread to a neighbouring property, this is encroachment. This is why it is important for property owners to control any invasive plant species they have growing on their land. You are responsible for keeping other properties safe from these invasive species if you find them in your garden.

Neighbours can issue you with a private nuisance claim if you are found to be letting Japanese knotweed grow wildly and encroach on other properties. The way this is determined is the by the spread of underground rhizomes.

Rhizomes are horizontal shoots that grow from the roots of a plant. These shoots can start growing plants of their own once they reach available soil. This is how Japanese knotweed spreads between properties. If your Japanese knotweed rhizomes cause encroachment, you must resolve the issue.

Japanese knotweed is one of the worst invasive plant species to have on your property. It spreads quickly and can cause severe damage to buildings, paths roads and other structures. Its roots can break concrete and lead to serious structural problems.

If you suspect you have Japanese knotweed on your land, you must control or remove it. If you notice it on council land near your property, inform them immediately. They can treat the plant and prevent it from spreading.

Japanese Knotweed Removal

Japanese knotweed is easy to identify. It has a distinct look which is hard to miss. They typically have large, shovel-shaped leaves in two halves which grow from thin, brown stems. They also have small white flowers that grow in rows.

Using glyphosate-based weed killers on the foliage of Japanese knotweed is the best way to eliminate them. You can also burn the shoots that sprout from the plant's roots to kill them. Most DIY shops and garden centres sell weed killers with glyphosate.

If you're tackling Japanese knotweed on your own, always follow the instructions on your weed killer. Ensure that the foliage of the plants is sprayed thoroughly and continue to spray any new foliage throughout the year.

Of course, if you don't want to tackle it yourself, you can always call on professional assistance. We have the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively treat Japanese knotweed. Professional help is always the best way to prevent invasive species from spreading.

The best way to thoroughly remove Japanese knotweed is by having professional gardeners handle it. Our team has all the experience necessary to effectively treat and remove invasive plant species from your property.

The cost of removing Japanese knotweed varies greatly. Depending on how big the problem is, and which methods we'll need to employ, there is no one set price. If you spot the problem early and call us promptly, this will help keep your costs down.

Long-term treatments are the most cost-effective option. We can employ herbicides that thoroughly remove the Japanese knotweed over time. However, herbicide treatment programmes can take years, and successful chemical control over the knotweed takes between 3 and 7 years.

You'll find countless methods claiming to be the best DIY method of removing Japanese knotweed. However, there are only two real, effective solutions you can do on your own. Either you will need to create a control plan to limit the growth of the knotweed. Or, you will need to excavate the site to remove all traces of the knotweed.

Given that knotweed is an invasive species, any plant material is designated as "Controlled Waste". This means only licenced vendors or individuals can remove and dispose of it. Only licenced waste carriers can dispose of Japanese knotweed material, and then only in licenced landfill sites.

If you aren't careful when disposing of this material, it can lead to more infestations. Since knotweed grows quickly and can cause so much damage, it's vital you dispose of it properly. Rather than attempting this yourself, we recommend you call our team. We will be happy to help with any Japanese knotweed issues you may have.